Saturday, November 28, 2015

What is it about boats?

So I just put the finishing brush strokes on my row boat painting...I'm pleased with the results.  What is it about row boats, sail boats, canoes, kayaks that is so esthetically pleasing?  It must be the lines and curves - some of the similar graceful shapes of the human body.  I really enjoyed creating this watercolor.  The scene is peaceful, the colors perfect - even the aqua-bluish color of the ropes tying the boats to the trees.  Perfect!  My job was to not screw it up, and bring a little more contrast and vibrancy than the original photo.  Since you are not seeing the photo - you'll have to trust me - I think I did.  Not sure what is next, but I'm searching...thanks for coming by....Mark  (I'll have a better photo in about a week after my photographer does his thing.)

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Irish row boats

Some friends took a fabulous trip to Ireland this summer.  While there they took a photo of a couple of row boats tide up on a pond among the high grasses.  They thought their photo was reminiscent of the kind of paintings I they sent it to me.  They were 100% correct.  I love their photo, and here is my rendition after about 40 hours so far.  I'm about half way to completion.
Check back in a couple of weeks...hopefully I'll have it signed, and off to the framer.  Thanks for coming